Course Notes

Public Perception of Chiropractic Through the Decades

Dennis Marchiori, Louis Sportelli, Patrick Gentempo, Joe Mercola, and Cynthia English

Dr. Denny Marchiori


  1. Increasing Public Perception & Public Utilization of Chiropractic Care is Key for America’s Future
    1. 100 % of America has access to chiropractic care
    2. 80% of Americans suffer from low back pain
      1. 25% of the American population have significant enough low back pain to see a provider
        1. Low back pain is the #1 cause of disability worldwide
        2. Low back pain is a large contributor of decreased productivity
    3. Low back pain is only 24% of chiropractic patients
    4. Gallup Poll – Survey #1
      1. 15% of the Adult American population sees a chiropractor each year
      2. 50% of the Adult population has seen a chiropractor at some point in their life.
      3. 88% of those who have seen a chiropractor have a positive reaction to the care

Dr. Lou Sportelli


  1. Cultural Authority
    1. Chiropractic
      1. Not attained by education, research or scholarship
      2. No media exposure
    2. AMA
      1. “Playing Doctor” tells an amazing story of how the AMA controlled the media
      2. Media influences the perception of MDs throughout different hit-TV shows throughout the decades from 50’s – 2000’s.
  2. AMA Board of Trustees
    1. 1963 - establish a committee on quackery, whose prime mission is to contain and eliminate chiropractic.
    2. 1980 – Chiropractic files a lawsuit to the AMA and won     
      1. The Wilks Case
    3. 1985 – Chiropractic’s attempt to change the perception of the public.  Action steps that we needed in the next few years were:
      1. Readers Digest – more public perception media was needed to educate
      2. Upgrade our amount and level of Research
      3. Providing education
      4. Upgrading education in schools





Dr. Patrick Gentempo

  1. Having an appreciation and a context of our history creates a strong translation to the future
  2. 1980’s
    1. CCE began to unite the profession by providing common accreditation from an educational standpoint
    2. Insurance provider benefits begin
      1. the inclusion of Medicare & many insurance companies begin to include chiropractic
  3. Transition
    1. We have a hangover from past generations
      1. Still MD’s of the generation of 50’s – 80’s, violently against the inclusion of Chiropractors as a part of a healthcare team.
    2. We have chiropractors included in some of the biggest/innovative incorporations.  Transition in perception has created quick inclusion
    3. We need to change the chiropractors perception of him/her self.  We need not think we are the victim any longer.
    4. Centropic care / Inclusion of chiropractic, is on the rise.  The adjustment is what continues to set us apart and distinguish our incredible value

 Dr. Joe Mercola


  1. 6 companies currently control the media
    1. The below are ways to infiltrate a natural health message despite the controlled monopoly of media
  2. Paid for advertising to disrupt the profiting big business of healthcare
    1. Dr. Mercola created the Headlines to expand awareness of the truth
      1. “Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of Death in America”
      2. “1: 4 Americans over 45 are taking a statin drug”
      3. The book: Sweet Deception
        1. 10 years later soda consumption falls to a 30 year low.
    2. The Truth About Drug Companies
      1. Author: Marcia Angell MD
    3. The Book Master Manipulator
      1. Author: James Ottar Grundvig
    4. The Documentary Vaxxed
      1. Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  3. Direct Outreach to Patients – to counter fraud and deception
    1. Social Media
    2. Community Outreach
    3. Websites
  4. Align with other liberty initiates
    1. Examples: dentistry for choice - removal of mercury & fluoride, national vaccine information center, etc.


Ms. Cynthia English

Gallup Poll Survey #1 Review

  1. What do people THINK of Chiropractic?
    1. Most chiropractors have their patient’s best interest in mind.
      1. Agree – 66%
      2. Don’t Know – 28%
    2. Most chiropractors trustworthy.
      1. Agree – 52%
      2. Not Sure – 39%
    3. Are chiropractors effective at treating neck or back pain?
      1. Agree – 61%
      2. Don’t know - 28%
  2. What do people KNOW of Chiropractic?
    1. What is the Education (Post High School) of a Chiropractor?
      1. 7+ years – 15%
      2. 4-6 years – 49%
      3. 2 years or less – 18%
    2. Is Chiropractic Dangerous?
      1. Agree - 24%
      2. Don’t know – 37%
    3. Chiropractic care requires too many visits
      1. Agree- 43%
      2. Don’t know – 42%
    4. Chiropractic care is expensive
      1. Agree – 42%
      2. Don’t know – 44 %
    5. Is Chiropractic covered by insurance:
      1. Think DC’s are not covered – 13%
      2. Think DC’s are covered – 34%
      3. Don’t know – 48%
      4. Don’t have INS. – 5%
  3. Who is most likely to see a chiropractor
    1. % of Adults who have never been to a chiropractor
      1. (18 – 34) 63%
      2. (35-49) 45%
      3. (50-64) 42%
      4. (65+) 45%
      5. ½ of them are uncertain of danger
    2. Adults who have seen a chiropractor in the last 12 months are:
      1. Invested
      2. Committed
      3. Engaged
  4. Action steps to change the perception in the future:
    1. Increase awareness of training and safety
    2. Improve access to information regarding cost and coverage
    3. Capitalize on reputation as back and neck pain experts

Gallup Poll Survey #2 – will cover the following areas:

              *Do Americans View Chiropractic as Safe and Effective?

              * Uncertainty About Chiropractic: Education is key

              * What Patients Want Going Beyond The Adjustment