URGENT: ChiroLearn is Moving!

Attention, all ChiroLearn users! ChiroLearn is moving. The current ChiroLearn website will go offline at 10 AM on Friday, July 26th as we transition to the ChiroLearn section of fcachiro.orgPlease be sure to finish all ChiroLearn courses in progress and download any data you may need prior to the aforementioned date. Thank you for choosing FCA for your continuing education needs!


Currently Enrolled In:

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Completed Courses & Available Transcripts

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  • Video
  • Clinical CE
Dr. Sabrina Atkins, Chiropractic Physician for the NBA Bubble, shares some of her tricks of the trade in working with large athletes.
    • 2.00 Certified Chiropractic Physicians Assistant (CCPA) CE
      • 2.00 General (GEN) credit
    • 2.00 Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) CE
      • 2.00 General (GEN) credit
  • Video
  • Documentation
Dr. Evan Gwilliam, a Certified Professional Medical Auditor, will help you see the consequences of poor documentation, and give you easy steps to ensure your records can stand up to outsider scrutiny. You’ll leave with an understanding of what needs to go into your documentation and what can be left out.
    • 2.00 Certified Chiropractic Physicians Assistant (CCPA) CE
      • 2.00 General (GEN) credit
    • 2.00 Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) CE
      • 2.00 Documentation & Record Keeping (DOC) credit
  • Video
  • Clinical CE
Dr. Patrick Gentempo shares this inspired presentation that is a Tour de Force in capturing the chain of thinking that assembles the intellectual basis for the unique and powerful service that is chiropractic.
    • 2.00 Certified Chiropractic Physicians Assistant (CCPA) CE
      • 2.00 General (GEN) credit
    • 2.00 Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) CE
      • 2.00 General (GEN) credit
