Course Notes

The Five Secrets to Running a Low-Overhead, High-Profit, Stress-Free Practice

Margie Smith


Course Description

We became chiropractors to help people.  More than ever, the obstacles against us in practice continue to grow.  Huge student loan debts...low salaries for associates...difficulty obtaining startup reimbursements at an all-time is a chiropractor supposed to even begin to “make it” in practice today?  Here’s learning a simple model that will completely change the way we running a MicroPractice. Don’t be fooled - “micro” doesn’t mean it’s less of a practice than a traditional chiropractic office.  Instead, “micro” refers to the size of the stress associated - which is far less than a traditional practice. Join Dr. Margie Smith as she introduces this practice model and shares the top five ways you can run this low-overhead, stress-free, highly profitable practice today!


Learning Objectives:

  • Tips to reduce your overhead ASAP

  • Systems to help implement better collection strategies

  • Ways to connect better with your community

  • Systems to help streamline your day-to-day conversations


  1. The traditional model vs. the Micropractice

    1. Traditional model       

      1. Owning your own storefront

      2. Hiring your staff

      3. You are your own marketer

      4. Independent Contractor

      5. Cash and insurance payment models

    2. Micropractice

      1. Renting from another chiropractor

      2. Multi-practitioner practice, giving the patient a view of a more established practice

        1. 5 Steps to a Successful Micropractice

          1. Automate

“Set it and Forget it”

            1. Paperless Practice

            2. Soap Vault is what I use

          1. Train your Patients

            1. Give the Advice Once

          2. Train Your Patients

            1. Timing is essential, and set boundaries

          3. Give the Advice Once

            1. Don’t waste time

            2. Use your website's “resources” tab

          4. Talk about money

            1. Having Goals linked to money

            2. Payment source on file

        1. Keep Overhead Low

          1. Minimal Employees (preferably zero)

          2. Minimal Marketing

        2. Just be the doctor

          1. Connection

          2. Retention

          3. Referrals

        3. Build Balance within Life

          1. Practice

          2. Family

          3. Social Life

        4. Block Scheduling

        5. Match your markets to your schedule

        6. Build it and they will come!